3:42 A.M. - I really shouldn't be awake right now but I've been running on a buzz that has been all too elusive this week. Sprucing up the new site (hey there), doing some Christmas shopping, watching Carmilla - which is really cute. Kinda sad I missed out on this series... but I wouldn't really have known about it back in 2014 anyway. I was not yet aware that cute lesbian webseries' were my scene. But better late than never - I am all here for it now and have my fingers crossed that they will get their network series someday. Anyway, will say more later on. Must sleep now.

10:50 A.M. - Totally forgot to set an alarm so it's a good thing that Jem woke me up! We ran to Target because their early Christmas gift was ready for pickup - a new Apple Watch! I knew it'd be handy to use at work so I couldn't wait. I gave them a much older model years ago that I was able to buy used from work (we were very broke back then so that was a steal) but it literally fell apart soon after. We've been meaning to get it fixed for so long that it was now more practical to invest in a new one... plus I like to buy my wife a new, shiny thing from time to time, OKAY?

I'm trying not to feel guilty for having another lazy day... I don't know, is it still lazy if I'm building a site? Might draw some Sprout panels or some little doodles to put on here. It's just, once I actually get into a place where self care actually feels like self care... I'm more inclined to keep it going and enjoy it while it lasts. Being bipolar (more on that later) means grasping at whatever enjoyment you can get, honestly - you never know when you'll be spending weeks with little to no joy whatsoever. So bring on the sweatpants, peanut butter cookies, webcomics and sapphic fluff - my body is ready.

side note: I miss waking up to dates like 02/02/02 and 11/11/11. We'd be writing the date on our worksheets in school and couldn't help but stop and think about how this was a once-in-a-lifetime big deal. We'd usually make a wish or something because such a day had to carry some kind of good luck or cosmic significance. Can't help but feel a litle sad to know I'll never see those again... I guess 12/12/21 will have to do.

5:08 P.M. - Aaaaand I'm crashing again. Ugh. Drew a banner for the site and got everything lookng fairly pretty! There's always more to do and I look forward to that. Tonight's the night - more Dexter: New Blood and Yellowjackets! They're honestly one of the highlights of my week. lol Tempted to draw some more later tonight but, honestly, that last drawing was way harder to execute than it should have been. Probably because I'm way behind on sleep~ Wish it wasn't Monday tomorrow. Bleh.

10:19 P.M. - Calling it a night! Got some work done on the art gallery but it's pretty shitty. I'm going to have to find better code to use (anyone reading this, do you have any suggestions?) at some point. Bingeing Daredevil for the remainder of the evening. zZz